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can you inject doxycycline pills
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18.02.2010 · Best Answer: No, you cannot inject solids. You cannot crush pills into a form which can be injected. You could crush them and feed them into a feeding tube
16.11.2008 · Best Answer: You could, but I don't think you should. Sounds kind of dumb. And to Sweetness #1-You claim to be a pharmacy tech, yet you have no idea that

Doxycycline Doxycycline is prescribed to treat urinary tract infections and a number of other conditions caused by multiplying bacteria.
Doxycycline can be prescribed by your doctor to treat a wide array of infections. However, it is intended only for bacteria-induced infections (acne, gonorrhea, and
i have personally ived or tryed to iv both. the circle 54's are wayyy to much powder. you can not possibly IV them, but the rectangle ones do work.. when i used to do